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Forecast Images

General Meteograms

Meteogram 5-Day

Provides a five-day forecast of weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram

Meteogram 5-Day

Meteogram 7-Day

Provides a seven-day forecast of weather conditions, offering a broader view compared to the 5-day version.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_extended

Meteogram 7-Day

Meteogram All-in-One

Combines various weather elements like temperature, precipitation, wind, and cloud cover into a single, comprehensive forecast.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_one

Meteogram All-in-One

Meteogram Snow

Focuses specifically on snow-related weather information like snowfall amounts, snow depth, and freezing levels.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_snow

Meteogram Snow

Agronomical Meteograms

Meteogram Agro

General Meteogram for agricultural weather forecasts, including various options like spraying, temperature, precipitation or wind.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_agro

Meteogram Agro

Meteogram Sowing Windows

Provides weather information crucial for optimal planting times and germination conditions. More information about the data visualised in this meteogram can be found here.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_sowing

Meteogram Sowing Windows

Meteogram Spraying Window

Focuses on weather conditions impacting the effectiveness and safety of applying pesticides and fertilizers. The spraying conditions are calculated from the wind, precipitation, temperature and humidity forecasts. The recommendation must be verified just before the application with the current actual weather conditions.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_spraying

Meteogram Spraying Window

Meteogram Soil Trafficability

Assesses the ground's suitability for machinery movement based on weather conditions and water content in the top soil (0 - 10 cm).

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_soiltraffic

Meteogram Soil Trafficability

Aviational Meteograms

Meteogram Air

General Meteogram for aviation-specific weather forecasts, including CAPE, CIN, Altitude approx. and more.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_air

Meteogram Air

Sounding - Diagram

Provides vertical profiles of atmospheric variables like temperature and dew point temperature for flight planning and safety.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_sounding

Special Parameters (mandatory):

The time must be either specified as an absolute timestamp in UTC or a relative hour offset to the last model initialisation time.

paramsYYYYMMDDHH (suggested)specifies the valid time in UTC&params=2019042312 (23 April 2019 at 12 o'clock)
paramsHHHValid time relative to the last model run&params=12 (12 hours after the last model init)

Sounding - Diagram

Stueve - Diagram

Offers upper-air forecasts for wind speed, direction, and temperature, often used in aviation weather analysis.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_stueve

Special Parameters (mandatory):

The time must be either specified as an absolute timestamp in UTC or a relative hour offset to the last model initialisation time.

paramsYYYYMMDDHH (suggested)specifies the valid time in UTC&params=2019042312 (23 April 2019 at 12 o'clock)
paramsHHHValid time relative to the last model run&params=12 (12 hours after the last model init)

Stueve - Diagram

Meteogram Thermal Forecast

Analyses air temperature changes at different altitudes, impacting aircraft performance and flight planning.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_thermal

Meteogram Thermal Forecast


The Cross-Section diagrams show profiles of the atmosphere in North-South and East-West direction, centred around a specified location. For the Cross-Section diagrams no selectable units are available!

Special Parameters (mandatory for all cross sections):

paramsdecimal degreesthe length of the cross-section&params=5
fcstlengthYYYYMMDDHH (suggested)compute trajectories for this date and time, in UTC&fcstlength=2019042312 (23 April 2019 at 12 o'clock)
fcstlengthhourscompute trajectories for this number of hours (min: 1, max: 186)&fcstlength=72

Cross-Section Clouds

Shows cloud cover.

Example URL:

Cross-Section Clouds

Cross-Section Temperature

Example URL:

Cross-Section Temperature

Cross-Section Wind

Example URL:

Cross-Section Wind

Cross-Section Relative Humidity

Example URL:

Cross-Section Relative Humidity

Path Cross-Section

The Path Cross-Section diagram shows profiles of the atmosphere along a specified path.

Example URL:,6,9,19&pathlat=44,44,45,50&time=2020080512&apikey=DEMOKEY

Special Parameters (mandatory):

pathlatWGS84latitude coordinates of the desired path along which the atmosphere is shown&pathlat=44,44,45,50
pathlonWGS84longitude coordinates of the desired path along which the atmosphere is shown&pathlon=2,6,9,15
timeYYYYMMDDHHshow the diagram for this date and time, in UTC&time=2020083112 (31 April 2020 at 12 o'clock)

Path Cross-Section

MultiModel and Ensemble Meteograms

Meteogram 14-Day

Extends the forecast view beyond the usual 7-day range, offering a longer-term perspective.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_14day

Meteogram 14-Day

Meteogram MultiModel

Presents forecasts from multiple weather models for comparison, allowing users to analyze potential forecast variations.


The number of models shown may vary from place to place and from day to day. There is no guarantee a certain model will be present at any time. The image size of the meteogram thus can vary from place to place and from day to day.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_multimodel

Meteogram MultiModel

Meteogram MultiModel Ensemble

Combines forecasts from multiple models to create a single, statistically representative forecast.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_multimodelensemble

Meteogram MultiModel Ensemble

Meteogram MultiModel Wind

Specifically focuses on wind speed and direction predictions from multiple models for a more comprehensive view.


The Meteogram MultiModel Wind is currently in alpha phase. Breaking changes are possible.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_multimodelwind

Meteogram MultiModel Wind

Further Meteograms

Meteogram Solar Forecast

Predicts solar radiation, crucial for solar energy applications and planning.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_solar_forecast

Meteogram Solar Forecast

Meteogram Sea


The Meteogram Sea is currently in alpha phase. Breaking changes are possible.

Provides forecasts of marine weather conditions like wind, waves, and precipitation relevant to maritime activities.

Meteogram Sea is only available for locations located 20km away from the coast or more.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_sea

Meteogram Sea

Meteogram Sea 7-Day


The Meteogram Sea 7-Day is currently in alpha phase. Breaking changes are possible.

Offers a seven-day forecast of marine weather conditions.

Meteogram Sea 7-Day is only available for locations located 20km away from the coast or more.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_sea_7day

Meteogram Sea 7-Day

Meteogram Surf


The Meteogram Surf is currently in alpha phase. Breaking changes are possible.

Focuses on wave conditions tailored for surfers and other ocean users.

Meteogram Surf is only available for locations located 20km away from the coast or more.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_surf

Meteogram Surf

Long Term Meteograms

Provide extended forecasts beyond the usual one-to-two weeks, offering insights into potential weather trends in the coming months or season.

Seasonal Forecast - Diagram

The Seasonal Forecast - Diagram displays monthly seasonal forecast anomalies from different models as well as a super-ensemble (ENSEMBLE) created by meteoblue. More information about the data visualised in this Meteogram can be found here.

Example URL:

OpenAPI documentation: image_api/meteogram_seasonal

Seasonal Forecast - Diagram