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Domains API

Calls to the Domains API provide an inventory of available model domains, either globally or for a specified pair of coordinates.

API Queries

Three separate endpoints are available for retrieving domain information from the API:


To retrieve a complete list of all available domains, the fullList endpoint can be used. If the call also contains coordinates, the availableAtPoint parameter will indicate whether the point lies within the domain's boundaries.

Example URL:


The multimodel endpoint returns a filtered list of domains available at the provided coordinates.

Example URL:


Using the select endpoint, information on a specified domain can be retrieved by providing its name through the domain parameter.

Example URL:

Mandatory URL Query Parameters

apikeyYour personal API key&apikey=DEMOKEY

Optional URL Query Parameters

latLatitude coordinate in WGS-84&lat=47.5584none
lonLongitude coordinate in WGS-84&lon=7.57327none

API Output

"name": "IFSENS04",
"updateTimeUtc": 1719914480,
"sourceUrl": "",
"modelInit": "20240702T0000",
"source": "ECMWF",
"firstForecastHourUtc": 1719878400,
"historyDataStart": "20230501T0000",
"lastForecastHourUtc": 1721174400,
"supportsSounding": false,
"supportsMultimodel": false,
"availableAtPoint": true,
"region": "Global",
"temporalResolution": "3hourly",
"spatialResolution": "30.0 km",
"modelName": "IFSENS-40",
"updateFrequencyInSeconds": 43200,
"modelColor": "#000000"
nameDesignation of the domainString
modelNameDesignation of the modelString
sourceDesignation of the domain's providerString
sourceUrlURL to the website of the domain's providerString (URL)
modelInitMost recent model run's initialisation timeString (ISO 8601 timestamp)
updateTimeUtcMost recent update in Coordinated Universal TimeInteger (Unix timestamp)
firstForecastHourUtcMost recent update's first timestep in Coordinated Universal TimeInteger (Unix timestamp)
lastForecastHourUtcMmost recent update's last timestep in Coordinated Universal timeInteger (Unix timestamp)
historyDataStartFirst timestep for which historical data is availableString (ISO 8601 timestamp)
historyDataFinalRunLast model run (only for discontinued domains)String (ISO 8601 timestamp)
supportsSoundingWhether or not this domain can provide sounding dataBoolean
supportsMultimodelWhether or not this domain can be used as part of a MultiModelBoolean
availableAtPointWhether this domain is available at the specified coordinatesBoolean
regionName of the area for which this domain is availableString
spatialResolutionSize of grid cells in kilometresString
temporalResolutionInterval between timestepsString
updateFrequencyInSecondsInterval between updatesInteger
modelColorModel's color in the MultiModel displayString (Hex)